Nest Lab is a focus company in Skolkovo
Nest Lab has preserved a status of Skolkovo focus company for the second year in a row.

At the moment the Skolkovo Innovation Center includes more than 2,000 residents. Taking into account such an impressive number, participants of the highest priority and strategical importance were distinguished among young companies. Based on some data, they amount to about 5% of the total number of participants. Work with such residents is more intensive, they receive greater attention from the Skolvovo Fund specialists. In order to become a focus company, one needs to undergo an additional critical review of a project in front of the experts and management of the Innovation Center.

“We are glad to have preserved this status. For us it is additional confirmation that not only is Nest Lab one of the key innovational projects in the oil and gas industry of Russia, but an important part within the whole ecosystem of the new technological wave in the country” – emphasized Timur Imaev, Marketing Director of Nest Lab.