Nest Lab gives a lecture at Kazan Federal University for employees of PJSC Tatneft
Nest Lab has given a lecture at Kazan Federal University for employees of PJSC Tatneft within the program “Enhancement of production efficiency and production system tools aimed at cost saving and oil and gas production increase in conditions of swift changes in the Industry 4.0. Experience of international companies”.

“Timur (Marketing Director of Nest Lab) and I have shared the results of last 7 works performed by the robotic laboratory in various oil fields in Russia. Each project brought something unique to the software, helped us learn how to solve a greater number of versatile challenging tasks set forth for development.

For example, now it is possible to engineer the development of new fields using Nest: select a well network in a most optimal way using genetic algorithms (Mitchell algorithm, Poisson-disk sampling) in combination with machine learning (ML) algorithms. This will make it possible to increase production for each well on average by 20%. Tens of new wells are already being drilled, and hundreds of wells are NOT being drilled upon recommendations of Nest Lab.

Besides, we still continue increasing production in brown fields through continuous improvement of our product and through reducing the mean average percentage error (MAPE) for wells in our models. By the way, we have recently beaten a new record. The error amounted to just 21%! This is the arithmetic mean of errors for all wells in a field in the comparison of design production parameters and actual parameters for the whole history of development. For general understanding, it should be added that in traditional modeling this parameter usually amounts to 100-300%, and the use of machine learning algorithms reduces it to 80-90%. Before the record of 21%, we used to obtain the mean relative error at a level of 40% through combining INSIM simplified physical models and machine learning algorithms. With such tremendous forecast power, Nest will allow reservoir engineers and geologists to increase the oil recovery factor in fields from 30-40% to 60%. This will become immediately achievable with such a tool at hand! And we will help them meet this ambitious challenge.

Now we are preparing yet another Nest release at full speed, and are drawing up a training program for specialists of production companies.” told Mikhail Fokin, Nest Lab Director.

“On behalf of myself and on behalf of Nest Lab, I would like to express gratitude to the personnel of Further Professional Education Center within Geology and Oil & Gas Technologies Institute of Kazan Federal University, as well as personally to Ildus Chukmarov, Director of the Center, for the invitation and a very warm welcome. Thank you, colleagues =)” added in its turn Timur Imaev, Marketing Director of Nest Lab.

“I would like to note that a number of agreements were reached during meetings with the experts on the creation of joint programs of further professional education, as well as distance learning projects, microlessons and video lectures” shared Ildus Chuckmarov, Director of Further Professional Education, Quality Management and Marketing Center.